2022-2023 ESSER III/School Innovation and Improvement Plan

Outcomes goals for this academic school year

Complete ESSER school funding plan

Cardinal Forest Elementary School

Region 4

Felicia Drake, Principal

Background: The Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER III) is a federal grant which requires that spending be used in specific areas.  Part of the Fairfax County Public Schools spending plan identifies funding to be used for Unfinished Learning and Student Academic and Social, Emotional, Mental Health (Wellness) Needs.  Schools have been given funding allocations to support the academic and wellness needs of students.  Schools are required to create plans in English Language Arts, Mathematics, and Wellness highlighting the strategies they will use to support these areas using their ESSER III funding.  These strategies are shown below.


Outcome: Ensure students are making sufficient progress to be on grade level in English Language Arts.

ESSER III English Language Arts Strategies


By the end of the 22-23 school year, 100% of K-2 students will meet grade level expectations on PALS-K and iReady. 90% students will pass the SOL in grades 3-6. 100% of SWD and ELs meet or exceed the targeted growth in the iReady/VGA.

Strategy 1

Teachers will integrate daily, systematic, explicit instruction in phonological awareness, phonics, and morphology in the core language arts block. (FCPS whole group  lessons, Heggerty, Fundations) tier 1

Strategy 2

Increase teacher capacity through peer coaching and modeling to create resources and instructional practices.

Strategy 3

Increase student engagement by fostering home/ school connections to develop and elevate student reading strategies.


ESSER III Mathematics Strategies

Outcome: Ensure students are making sufficient progress to be on grade level in Mathematics.


All students in Grades 1 and 2 will exceed the 39% National Norm in the Spring of 2023 on the Spring Iready. For those students that do not reach the 39% in the Fall iReady, they will meet or exceed their targeted growth in the spring assessment. All students in Grades 3-6 will pass the Spring SOLs with a score of 400+ and for those that don't show measurable growth will improve by at least 25 points.

Strategy 1

Teachers will identify specific strategies or representations that are important to notice based on the learning intentions and strategically use observations, student responses to questions, and written work to determine what students understand; and uses these data to inform in-the-moment discourse and future lessons. (Tier 1 focus)

Strategy 2

Teachers will identify specific strategies or representations that are important to notice based on the learning intentions and strategically uses observations, student responses to questions, and written work to determine what students understand; and uses these data to inform in-the-moment discourse and future lessons. (Tier 2 and 3 focus)


ESSER III Wellness Strategies

Outcome: Ensure students feel safe, included, and supported in the school environment.


Decrease chronic student absences from 17% to at least the 7% total where we were prior to the Covid-19 pandemic in 2018-2019.

Strategy 1

100% of school staff will continue to incorporate the Responsive Classroom framework in order to provide welcoming school and classroom environments for all students.

Strategy 2

Staff will engage with the community to encourage a sense of belonging to increase attendance.

Strategy 3

Implement Responsive Classroom teachings specifically geared towards recess.


Portrait of a Graduate (POG)


All students will complete a POG Presentation of Learning (POL) by 2025-26.


By the end of the 2022-2023 school year 100% of the students will show growth as Communicators on POG self-reflections scored with the reflection of the POG skill used rubric given at the end of February and then again at the end of the school year (deadline of June 9th).

Strategy 1

The school will build an understanding with students, staff, and the community about why POG attributes and skills positively impact students within and beyond school.