English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)

What is ESOL?
- ESOL stands for English for Speakers of Other Languages. Students with a primary home language other than, or in addition to English, are administered a WIDA English language proficiency screener to determine if they are in need of language services. To learn more about elementary ESOL in FCPS, click here.
How do ESOL services work?
- Elementary ESOL Services are individualized to meet students' English language development needs. ESOL teachers work directly with English Learners (ELs) to advance English language development by building academic language and content understandings in tandem. ELs develop English language proficiency through engaging in reading and writing tasks and academic conversations.
- Elementary English learners (ELs) are placed in age-appropriate grade level classes where teachers use strategies and scaffolds to support ELs in accessing the grade level curriculum. ELs actively engage in meaningful learning tasks with their English-speaking peers across disciplines (language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies) throughout the instructional day.
- ESOL teachers collaborate with and support teachers and teams to make the instructional match for ELs and build academic language and disciplinary literacy. ESOL teachers collaborate with school staff so that explicit opportunities for English language development and language learning is supported throughout the day in multiple contexts.
Who teaches ESOL at Cardinal Forest?
- Mrs. Renee Centineo - Kindergarten, Grades 1, 4, and 5
- Ms. Nadia Sadowski - Grades 2, 3, and 6
- Mrs. Melissa Koury – Resource Teacher
- To learn more or contact your ESOL teacher, click here on the name listed below to send an email.
How will my student’s progress be measured?
- Each spring, students receiving ESOL services take the WIDA ACCESS test. This is an English language proficiency test that measures students’ academic English language skills. Your student’s teachers use ACCESS for ELLs test scores as they decide how to best teach your child. Test scores also help teachers track your student’s progress in learning academic English and help schools decide what English language support services to provide. To learn more about WIDA ACCESS, click here. To learn more about how FCPS uses WIDA ACCESS, click here.
Our ESOL Team
- ESOL Teacher, ES
- ESOL Teacher, ES
- ESOL Teacher, ES
- ESOL Teacher, ES